DAYS into the 34-week scheme to radically alter the Canford Bottom roundabout, the work does not yet seem to have had a major impact on residents and businesses.

“We haven’t have people banging on the door – yet,” said Colehill parish councillor KD Johnson.

The parish council has written to the Highways Agency pointing out that local people strongly oppose the £5.7 million scheme and seeking to be kept in touch with any changes to the traffic arrangements.

“It may be too little and too late, but we have to accept what’s offered because if the community had been successful in stopping it from happening there would be no improvement to Canford Bottom or the A31 until at least the traffic review in 2020,” said Cllr Johnson.

“We accept it somewhat reluctantly now. Hopefully after 34 weeks of chaos it will be better.”

Locals fear daily gridlock during the work, due to finish for Olympic events in Portland and Weymouth.