Welcome to my third blog entry, I hope in the time since I last blogged everyone has stayed safe and healthy.

This blog has come about after a recent shopping trip. I was perusing the children's section of a worldwide respected fashion store looking at the nifty items that they have when I gazed upon myself in the mirror and noticed that I was a few inches thinner and several taller.

I was shocked and amazed at the same time as I thought 'Could this be what I think it is?' - slimming mirrors in the children's section of this highly fashionable retailer? How terrible.

I think that it's incredibly wrong that there are mirrors that can make children appear slimmer and taller - yes, in store it may be great, making a child feel secure about their figure and height insecurities but when they get home and look in the mirror they realise that they're still their regular self, and this can give children a complex as to who they are and what they actually look like.

I think these slimming mirrors are promoting the wrong thing to children; the ones who feel terribly uncomfortable and insecure about their body image, the ones who will tackle eating disorders trying to look thinner in the average mirror.

I personally feel that these mirrors should be replaced with 'normal' mirrors, ones where you see who you are, for real, because this way people, especially children will learn to love to see the person looking back at them in the mirror. The person looking back would be real, not the shrunken and stretched version.

I'd love to know what my readers think about the slimming mirrors in the children's section of stores, please feel free to comment!

Until next time,

Amber Lovell.