Well, we know the summer holidays are here because the weather is rubbish! We had a very busy end of term, with various shows, presentations and of course sports day.

I entered the parent's race which was egg & spoon. I was the only parent who didn't drop their egg - but unfortunately the slow & steady pace meant coming over the finishing line in last place - never mind, Leah was still proud of me.

That feeling is mutual, she had a lovely school report, she is reaching her targets & is a pleasure to teach!

Megan finished pre-school, she played a tap dancing tiger in their little show & grinned the whole way through (despite sobbing her heart out the night before because she didn't want to do it!!!). Her finishing pre-school was a pretty big milestone for me, when I was diagnosed she was only 2yrs and I never imagined I'd see her go to school.

I had a CT last week & the results came back stable again, it's a weird feeling, I have become quite blasé about the scan & the results, having one every six weeks & the results always being the same has lulled me into a false sense of security. The day the news is bad will come as such a shock now.

As I write this I am sitting, waiting to go in for an MRI scan, feeling less blasé about that! I am having it because I've been experiencing a bit of pain in my right hip (the hip that hurt right back in the beginning), obviously I am a bit worried about what the scan will show, although I'm hoping the pain in due to a recent reduction in pain relief.

The reason for an MRI scan is because the CT scans don't read bone activity clearly whereas an MRI scan will show if there is anything going on. My Dr said I can phone for results on Friday afternoon so at least there won't be too much waiting to hear the news.

I am now an official Breast Cancer Care Ambassador for Bournemouth. I am the leader of a group of fundraisers who are excited about raising money for this fantastic charity. Breast Cancer Care offer support and advice for anyone affected by breast cancer.

I have used their service on a number of occasions and have found them very helpful so I feel honoured to have been asked to take on this role.

When Megan is at school in September I will have more time on my hands so will be able to throw myself into this fully.

We had our first meeting last week and have loads of ideas for fundraising events, the first of which being a quiz night, a coffee morning and a mufti day. Bournemouth Echo have kindly offered to cover these events so you'll be able to read more about them nearer the time & hopefully join us too.