A FORMER Royal Marine Commando has been jailed for 21 months after a court heard how he had “terrorised” his estranged wife.

Geoffrey Chick, 59, admitted affray, having a bladed article and two counts of breaching a non-molestation order.

Prosecuting at Bournemouth Crown Court, Jason Spellman said Carol Chick had taken out an order banning her husband of three years from her home in Parkstone, after their marriage broke down in October last year.

On April 17 this year, four days after receiving a suspended prison sentence for flouting the order, Mrs Chick noticed plants in her back garden had been moved.

Mr Spellman added: “She had installed a CCTV camera to protect herself; on viewing footage she could see a shadow and recognised the swagger as that of her former husband.

“She phoned the police and was working in her garden when she saw Mr Chick coming towards her with a kitchen knife in his right hand, pointed at her.

“Mrs Chick was terrified and screamed, managing to break free from his grasp.”

Her two sons and a neighbour wrestled Chick to the ground and, during a tussle, his estranged wife managed to prise the knife from his grasp.

Following his arrest, Chick told police officers: “She’s got worse things coming. She deserves the worst.”

Defending, Nigel Mitchell said Chick had been a Royal Marine for 22 years, serving in the Falklands and Northern Ireland, adding: “He has had an exemplary career in the Forces and is a decorated veteran with long service and good conduct medals.”

Mr Mitchell stressed that his client had now come to terms with the break-up of his second marriage and divorce proceedings were underway.

Sentencing Chick, Recorder Don Tait told him: “Luckily no-one was seriously injured.

“You have terrorised your ex-wife and flown in the face of court orders. A prison sentence is inevitable.”

Recorder Tait imposed a restraining order on Chick banning him contacting Carol Chick or her two sons.