BUSINESSES in Parkstone are being asked to “sponsor a loo to lose the queue” at an upcoming bash.

Hundreds of people flocked to Grooves on the Green earlier this month, and as the drink flowed many partygoers found themselves waiting in a long line to use the local convenience.

Organisers of Party in the Park, a free festival on Sunday September 4, are determined to avoid similar holdups and intend to ship in a row of portaloos.

It’s a costly task, as Health and Safety Executive rules state that parties more than six hours long require one loo for every 100 women, one per 500 men and one urinal for every 150 males. Party in the Park leader Jane Jones said: “As the police have said to us in the past, we have been victims of our own success.

“When I visited the park for Grooves on the Green I have never witnessed so many people on the small green. We therefore have to expect a similar number and have to be prepared.”

She believes the old Victorian toilet block should have been extended during the park’s £360,000 refurbishment earlier this year.

Instead, Jane is now calling on businesses to sponsor a loo for £100. In return, they will get a poster to go near the loos, which revellers will see every time they spend a penny.

“What better way to advertise your business with ‘queue for the loo’ and give your company brand awareness at the same time,” Jane said.

“You give us the detail and artwork and we’ll do the rest.”

A Poole council spokesman confirmed they had met with the Party in the Park managers and advised that the permanent facilities would not be sufficient.