PIZZA Express will be coming to Christchurch after councillors overruled recommendations by their officers and unanimously approved the scheme.

Plans for the chain to move into the premises occupied by Crickle Wood on the corner of Wick Lane and the High Street and two other empty units stretching along Wick Lane were given the go-ahead despite recommendations by officers to refuse the scheme.

Concerns from planning officers centred upon the number of eateries already in the town, pushing the number of restaurants above a policy threshold of 20 per cent.

Including the approved Pizza Express, restaurants in the town amount to 26 per cent of the total units.

But the council’s economic development officer Paul Riley as well as Christchurch Tourism Association and Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce supported the scheme.

Paul Pressland, owner of the building since 2007 said: “We’re trying to work closely with the current tenant.

“It is very important to keep an eclectic mix within the High Street.

“When Pizza Express moved into Westbourne and into Bournemouth, both of these cases brought increased footfall and families during the day.”

The scheme also received 42 objections from members of the public, although 16 of those letters related to a Wetherspoons pub.

Cllr Claire Bath said: “At the moment we have 18 vacant retail outlets.

“There is a demand for all of the cafes that are there. They are vibrant and active.

“Certainly speaking to various people around the town, people who own and run cafes, they are not against this. I am happy to support the approval.”

Cllr Sue Spittle added: “The reason I am happy to support it is that this is a gateway to the High Street and it is important to improve the vibrancy to the High Street.

“It will also fill the empty units in Wick Lane.”