MOST drivers observe certain rules. And some of these are ridiculous.

The first rule of one type of driver is to behave as if you are an ostrich. This involves believing you are invisible and that nobody will spot that you are talking on your mobile or not wearing a seatbelt. Or whatever your idiocy.

The second rule is to believe that anyone overtaking you must be crazy and that anyone slower than you is driving dangerously.

The third rule is that practice makes perfect. This applies to younger drivers who need more practice whereas ‘older’ drivers (add 10 years to your own age) are the exception to the rule.

The sad fact, though, is that a lot of drivers of all ages take risks, some without even realising it.

Yesterday, Dorset Road Safe blitzed Bourne- mouth and good on them.

Many police lurked in unmarked vehicles and no one should argue with that. Worry about your own driving, not whether the unmarked car behind might be trying to catch you.

But the fact that the Surround a Town initiative in Bournemouth yesterday woke up so many drivers does make you wish there were more marked police cars on the roads every day.

Deterrents that work are worth their weight in gold. Or lives.

We’ve all passed those signs that say: “Slow! Hospital!” An effective deterrent?

Yes… but think of that small American town that put up a similar sign.

It read: ‘Slow! No hospital.’