A TERRIFIED toy poodle has defied the odds and survived a week in Wareham Forest on her own.

Tiny eight-month-old Billie, who weighs just three kilos, disappeared into the forest when she was chased by a bigger dog.

After she was finally reunited with her frantic owner, a veterinary surgeon said it was a “miracle” Billie was alive.

“My vet said he just couldn’t believe that a dog of this size was able to survive in the forest,” said owner Karen Harvey.

“You have foxes, badgers, there and even buzzards fly over the forest.”

Aside from being a little thin and having been covered in ticks and brambles, Billie is recovering well.

Speaking from her Poole home, Karen, who works as a canine behaviourist, said: “I was out walking my dogs, including Billie, when I passed a couple on bicycles, who had two larger dogs.

“While they put the German Shepherd on a lead, their labradoodle, a labrador/poodle cross, chased Billie.

“This couple saw my dog was frightened, but they didn’t even call their dog back. They later disappeared, I think they were completely irresponsible.”

Karen, aged 48, then spent 12 hours searching for Billie.

She later approached the free canine website, dogslost.co.uk.

Billie was included on the site’s database and several posters were pinned up in the forest.

After a string of sightings and missed opportunities, Billie was finally recovered by a thankful Karen six days later.

She said: “I was never going to give up on her.

“I think it is amazing that this little dog, which is a companion toy dog, managed to keep herself safe out there.

“It was just the most amazing relief to get her back. I cannot thank dogslost.co.uk enough for their help.”