IT was a Conservative whitewash in Christchurch as the Tories took all but three seats in the council elections.

The party increased their majority at the borough council from 17 to 21, ousting their Liberal Democrat opponents in the Portfield ward and in one of the Town Centre seats.

Long-standing Independent councillor Colin Bungey held his seat in Jumpers alongside fellow Independent councillor Fred Neale, who was standing for re-election in the same ward.

Liberal Democrat councillor Peter Hall was also returned in the Town Centre ward and is now the sole representative for his party on the nearly all-blue council.

And while nearly all of the Conservative councillors fighting for re-election will be returning, there are also a number of new Conservative faces, most notably Margaret Phipps and Lisle Smith in the Portfield ward.

The two female candidates beat former Portfield councillor, Liberal Democrat David Davies and his fellow party candidate Brett Bader, who had moved over from the Town Centre ward, reclaiming the seats for the Tories.

Other notable victories included Conservative Gillian Geary, who was standing for election for the first time, in the Town Centre ward.

Mrs Geary, who is married to Mayor of Christchurch, Cllr Nick Geary, who was re-elected for North Highcliffe and Walkford, recorded the second highest number of votes in the Town Centre ward, previously a Liberal Democrat stronghold.

Conservative councillors Colin Jamieson and David Flagg were returned for Burton and Winkton, while Cllr John Lofts and Cllr Myra Mawbey, also Conservative, were re-elected in Highcliffe.

In the Grange ward, Conservative, Cllr Denise Jones was re-elected alongside first-time candidate and fellow Tory Paul Hilliard.

Cllr Sally Derham-Wilkes was re-elected in North Highcliffe and Walkford, alongside Cllr Nick Geary.

And in Purewell and Stanpit, Cllr Ray Nottage, was re-elected alongside Conservative candidate Bernie Davis.

Cllr Sue Spittle was also re-elected in St Catherine's and Hurn, with former ward councillor David Fox's son, Tavis Fox, elected alongside her.

In West Highcliffe, existing Conservative councillors Trish Jamieson and David Jones were re-elected with former East Dorset Conservative councillor, Lesley Dedman, taking the ward's third seat.

Conservative agent Judy Jamieson said: "This result is testament to the Conservatives working for everybody in the borough.

"This is democracy and this shows that the residents have spoken.

"It is a fantastic night for the Conservatives and all of our candidates."

Christchurch MP, Chris Chope added: "Does anyone know the last time there were 21 Conservative councillors on Christchurch council?

"It's a really great achievement, which will do very well for Christchurch."