TALKS seem to have stalled between Poole Yacht Club and Poole Harbour Commissioners over controversial plans for a new harbour marina.

While the club digests “new information” and postpones indefinitely its vital vote on the proposals, the commissioners are investigating other options.

The club’s committee is staying tight-lipped over its position on plans by Poole Harbour Commissioners to offer it a new home within a £20-25 million marina.

Having been agreed by the previous yacht club committee, the proposal got within a whisker of being put to a special general meeting of its 900 members on March 18. However problems with some of the 580 members who turned up being able to hear the proceedings led to the meeting being adjourned.

It is believed the existence of a “Plan C” which did not include the club but would jut out in front of its entrance, has led to further investigations.

The club’s general committee, which met on Wednesday, declined to comment on the situation.

But PHC chief executive Jim Stewart said: “We are awaiting further meetings with Poole Yacht Club but at this current time nothing has moved forward or evolved. We are now exploring other options.”

Mr Stewart has denied that the leaked Plan C came from PHC and it is believed to have originated following a discussion between both sides.

The proposals for a 950-berth Poole Marine Centre with space for a cruise ship, marine and education centre, projecting out in front of Hamworthy Park, has proved deeply controversial.

An online petition started by windsurfers opposed to the plans currently has 850 signatures and local residents have expressed anger and dismay at the proposal.