THE Beckhams are said to be considering putting their children down for the Haberdashers Aske’s School at Elstree and some ex-pupils are upset at the very thought, according to the Daily Mail.

Becks and Posh Spice not posh enough for my old school? That is absurd.

I went to Haberdashers, dontchaknow, in the days when England won a World Cup. I’d previously gone to a grounded state primary school in London and remember being a new boy at Haberdashers. Many of the other lads had been to prep schools and spoke with accents curiously missing any glottal stops.

But was it snobby? Not to my memory. Yes, there were rich boys in the class but others came from families like mine, with parents, rightly or wrongly, battling to pay the fees to buy the privileged education it offered.

Matt Lucas, David Baddiel, Nicholas Serota, Damon Hill, Jason Isaacs, Alan Whicker, Nicholas Serota, Simon Schama and Brian Sewell all went there. Are they posh? (Don’t answer that. I should have left Sewell out.) If the Beckham children had been at the school in my time, I suspect I’d have been drawn to their probable street cred.

And all the snooty comments, allegedly by former pupils – about Victoria never reading books and the like – are not worth an old groat in my book (blotted though it was).

Any child should be welcomed at any school whoever their parents may be. The Beckhams seem decent people who care about their children and are good role models (apart from Victoria’s weight). The only “ghastly” thing is the pomposity of the prats taking pops who, clearly, didn’t learn manners or sense.

I still carry baggage from my school days but if any child passes the entrance exam, good luck to them. I hope they get a lot out of it.

I can’t remember too much about the tough entrance exam itself. But I remember being taken to lunch in a café afterwards for a treat.

I had... sausage, beans and chips. Tootle pip.