SPECIAL pouches are to be issued to gum-chewers and smokers in a bid to rid the streets of their litter.

The campaign against dropped butts and gum is a pilot project being promoted by neighbourhood wardens in Boscombe and Springbourne.

Recent legislation means that individuals caught irresponsibly discarding cigarette ends and chewing gum can land themselves on-the-spot fines.

The problem makes streets look unsightly and costs a large amount of money to clear up.

Earlier this week the Daily Echo reported that Poole council had made an example of two careless smokers by taking them to court and fining them £75 for throwing their cigarette butts out of the window.

Funding for the butt and gum scheme has been awarded to Neighbourhood Management through their Community Wins Awards.

Only 1,000 of the pouches are available and they can be picked up from the Neighbourhood Management offices in Sea Road, Boscombe.

The silver and black pouches are made with a foil lining and come equipped with sections of paper to allow people to wrap up their used gum.

In exchange for your pouch, the neighbourhood wardens are asking for contact details in order for them to get feedback on how effective people find the pouches and whether they make them think twice about dropping their cigarette butt or gum on the floor.

The pouches will be distributed free of charge as part of a wider awareness raising and educational campaign to stop the irresponsible habit of dropping cigarette ends and chewing gum.

Hannah Beech, neighbourhood warden, said: "Council enforcement officers and police will issue on-the-spot fines for littering cigarette butts - it is not socially acceptable.

"Gum boards were put up in Bournemouth a while ago but they weren't as successful as the council had hoped.

"This is something different and we will see what the response is. If it is good we will try to get funding for even more."

For further details on the pouches contact neighbourhood warden Hannah Beech on 01202 394431 or e-mail hannah.beech@bournemouth.gov.uk