WE were beginning to wonder if filming of The Hobbit was ever going to start.

So we were delighted to hear that production has finally kicked-off after the two-movie production suffered numerous problems, including studio funding issues, a threatened actors' boycott and ulcer surgery for director Peter Jackson.

Brit actor Martin Freeman will star as hobbit Bilbo Baggins, Richard Armitage as dwarf Thorin Oakenshield and James Nesbitt as Bofur alongside original Lord of the Rings trilogy cast members; Elijah Wood (Frodo), Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Cate Blanchett (Galadriel), Orlando Bloom (Legolas) and Andy Serkis (Gollum).

The Hobbit will be released as two 3D films, with an ETA of late 2012 and 2013.