LOCAL people are being given the chance to say what they think of two options for the future of Christchurch Hospital.

Both are set out in the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals Foundation Trust’s latest annual plan, which goes out for 12 weeks’ public consultation from today.

Stroke rehabilitation is already earmarked to transfer from Christchurch to the Bournemouth site towards the end of this year.

But the first option would also see orthopaedic rehabilitation moving out of the hospital to become a home-based service.

All other services currently at Christchurch would remain and the Macmillan Unit would be rebuilt with charity funds.

The spare land on the site would be used to create an “older people’s village”, potentially containing a private nursing home, GP practice, NHS dental practice and a pharmacy.

Among the outpatient services currently at Christchurch are breast, oncology and medicine for the elderly, dermatology, rheumatology and blood testing.

The second option would see all services move to the Royal Bournemouth, except for the Macmillan Unit and blood testing, with the rest of the site becoming a larger older people’s village with some assisted living accommodation.

Richard Renaut, director of service development, said: “There’s a lot of cost in maintaining empty buildings. A year ago, we said we would work with partners to use the buildings. We are not able to find a use for them as they are.

“Services to the public would be the same under both options. We are talking about the location.”

Chief executive Tony Spotswood said: “We’d urge people to read about the options and give us their feedback.”

People can read about, and comment on, the consultation at rbch.nhs.uk, or attend a meeting at the Royal Bournemouth’s Education Centre at 6pm on Tuesday, March 8 or Christchurch Council Chambers at 6pm on Tuesday, March 29.