THERE are no present plans to withdraw school lollipop patrols in Bournemouth, a meeting has been told.

The subject was brought up in the wake of Dorset County Council’s proposals to withdraw funding for 65 of its lollipop patrols.

Bournemouth is one of the worst areas in the country for its high numbers of children being transported to school by car, Bournemouth full council meeting heard last week.

Cllr Phil Stanley-Watts asked for a reassurance that school crossing patrols would be safeguarded from budget cuts in the light of the fact that Bournemouth has supported a strategy to bring about safer routes to school by foot.

Cllr Nicola Greene, cabinet member for education and children’s services, said: “We do indeed have a high proportion of car trips to school when compared to both national and South West regional authorities.

However I agree with the councillor that the council’s strategy is to encourage a general modal shift away from car use to walking and cycling and specifically for the journey to school.”

Bournemouth Council has been commended by Sustrans for its work on safer routes to school by sustainable modes of transport. It is also recognised in the South West as providing best practice through its work with schools to deliver sustainable travel plans.

“I agree with Cllr Stanley-Watts that school crossing patrols support that strategy by providing safe crossing facilities where necessary and I am pleased to inform him that we have no proposals to withdraw or reduce this service currently,” she said.