A CRACKDOWN on street clutter could be on the cards in Wimborne.

It is felt that there are too many ‘A-board’ signs, banners and posters around the town, posing a hazard and making it look untidy.

So the town council is considering following Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles’ call to have a clear up.

Councillor David Packer chairs the planning and environment committee, which is mooting the idea.

He said: “The council is fully aware of the difficult financial situation and recent problems that have beset the town.

“But equally it may wish to be vigorous in trying to improve the appearance of this fine market town, and its overall economic viability.”

Diann March, chairman of Wimborne and District Chamber of Trade, has wanted something to be done since 2007 and thinks a system of colour-coded notice boards with a list of businesses could solve the problem.

Mrs March said: “Although I am very keen to get rid of all these obstructions, this is a very emotive issue.

“Some traders would love to have an A-Board, but their streets are too narrow and those who have an A-Board do not want to lose them even though they have an unfair advantage.

“All traders are not singing from the same hymn sheet. One can imagine what a street would look like should every business have an A-Board out.”

Pedestrians have said they would like to see clearer streets, she added.

“Times are tough, and the added advertising helps some businesses. But I think notice boards could be a way to get around it.

“I think it would be lovely if Wimborne was the first town to actually get rid of them all. It would look really wonderful.”