It was purely by accident that I started to look into pesticides. I met a woman today called Stephanie and as usual I got to mention Diabetes. We chatted for a while and talked about why so many children are being diagnosed with type 1.

Ok we know it is linked to the autoimmune system but we don't know why. There are several theories knocking about; children not being breastfed, high birth weights, obese mother's, vitamin deficiency to name but a few, but hey has anyone actually mentioned all the chemicals that are in our food? 50 years ago our food was natural, uncontaminated and there weren't so many children being diagnosed back then.

In fact I only ever knew of one girl that had Diabetes. It was very rare back then!

Now we are all ingesting a cocktail of chemicals every day, in everything. But it doesn't stop there, we are giving this poison to our kids!!

I know in theory we need pesticides as they are used to kill or control pests, but it doesn't stop there. There are other chemicals used in our food. Colour additives, preservatives plus endless others.

Picture this imagine hundreds of years ago your car was like a shiny new, high performance vehicle (ok there were no cars then, but hear me out), it runs well because you take care of it. This car is a symbol of your body. Your diet consists of water, organic natural seeds, fruit, herbs, roots, vegetables, nuts and cereals. Not a preservative in sight.

Now here in the 21st century, this car is now past it's best, it chugs along, it's sluggish, it's dented, it's sick! You know why? Because the diet now consists of food containing chemicals and preservatives with the added load of sugar, sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, fizzy drinks, fatty foods, alcohol, cigarettes, medicines and drugs (pharmaceutical).

So back to my theory, couldn't it be the chemicals and pesticides are causing the rise of type 1 in diabetes, especially in children? I know I am no scientist but this screams out to me, especially as we know some cancers are caused by chemical exposure.

What does anyone else think?

Just for the record 70% of soft fruits contain pesticides and washing them will not get rid of the deadly pesticides.

Finally what really alarmed me is breast milk contains over 350 man made contaminants including pesticides. I thought 'breast was best'!

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