HERE we go again. A premiership star is accused of playing away from home, knocking off prostitutes, breaking the wife’s heart, yadda yadda yadda.

Except this time, it’s different.

Because the wife in question is Coleen Rooney. And far from being a little Wag-on-the-make, obsessed with nothing more than landing herself a meal ticket for life, she is the only person who ever gave her nano-brained old man a second glance before he was a millionaire footballer.

Unlike her contemporaries, Coleen has written her own meal ticket and forged a lucrative career from her bubbly, girl-next-door personality.

So please, please let her continue to be different to all the rest. Please let her make a stand. Please let her show she considers that self-respect, fidelity, honour and pride are worth more than a new Hermes handbag, or yet another spree at Cricket.

Not just for herself, but for her sweet little son, who is thankfully too young to know just what a zero his father has apparently become.

And also for all those other women who look up to Coleen, who clinched her celebrity with a show called Real Women.

If ever there was a time for Coleen to act the Real Woman, now is it.

Let her legion of fans know that when confronted with the kind of desperate humiliation that’s been heaped upon her this week, no Real Woman would remain.

She would ensure the man in question spoke with a very high voice for the rest of his life. And then she’d take him for every last penny.

Real Women – as opposed to the plastic-breasted, Tango-tanned Barbies that hang round arrogant, wealthy men – know that they are worth more than being Mrs Idiot Premiership Star.

They know there are plenty of chaps out there to appreciate all they have to offer – as opposed to flushing it down the lavvy for the sake of an illicit thrill.

More than anything they know – or should know – that the only reason men ever get away with revolting, disrespectful behaviour is because some women let them.

Someone described as a friend of Coleen’s said she has been “torn apart by this” and that it was “like there’s been a death in the family”.

There has; the death of trust and decency by the sound of it.

So I do hope that for her sake, Coleen gathers up her strength and every ounce of self-worth, and lets Wayne know in the traditional manner that while you may take the girl out of Liverpool, you can’t take Liverpool out of the girl.

And that Wayne’s World comes crashing down round his selfish, moronic head.

PS It’s not just the Rooney marriage that’s been dented by all this. What of the fabled Sir Alex ‘I danne stand nae nonsense, me’ Ferguson’s hard-man image?

The silly old trout evidently hadn’t heard any of the gossip that would appear to swirl around his dressing room like sewage from a broken drain.

As a disciplinarian, he would appear to be about as effective as Stan Laurel.