This week has seen our 7th wedding anniversary, a leaking roof and shingles! Kev & I had a lovely evening on Monday even though it's hard to know what to talk about on such an occasion.

In the past we would have spent our anniversary planning our future, talking about what we will do when the kids leave home etc.

This year we talked about 'us', how we're coping, how we both feel about the way the other is coping and how we will spend the next few months - different but lovely & valuable none the less.

All the rain over the weekend has caused a leak in the roof, it's weird how I sometimes forget that real life is also continuing. I spend my time living in this 'cancer world' where everything revolves around what is going on with me & my health and then things like leaky roofs come along!

I know I can deal with this stuff too but I really hope it's not going to be too much hassle and too much money to get sorted.

I went for pre-chemo on Monday and showed Dr Hickish the cluster of spots that had appeared on my knee over the weekend - I've got shingles! I've been absolutely fine with it but I had to delay my chemo because I need to be 100% well to have it.

It's worked out well in as much as I've been able to enjoy the last week of the girls holiday but I'll now have to have chemo on 1st Sept & they go back to school on 2nd - I so want to be up to taking them in on their first day.

Megan is starting pre-school so I have to be there for her. It's so ironic that it's the medicine keeping me alive that actually prevents (or hinders) me living a normal life, the cancer isn't causing me any real problems but the chemo does.

I know that the cancer would be causing me problems if it wasn't for the chemo but it is very frustrating.

I had my next scan appointment through for 9th Sept - I feel so well that I do feel pretty positive about this scan but it's still scary - the what ifs keep popping into my head.