I’ve had a rough few days since chemo on Tuesday, I’ve fainted a few times which I think is mostly down to the heat, fainting makes me feel so rough for so long afterwards.

Kev and I have been arguing quite a lot too, we are both under so much pressure. I think there is just so much going on under the surface and every now & again it bubbles over.

I get so grumpy after chemo & he struggles to ignore that, he thinks I’m pushing him away and although it’s not intentional it is probably true.

I think we both resent each other to a degree – he hates that I’m ill and will be leaving him & I hate that he’s well & gets to stay without me.

We are seeing the Macmillan Psychologist together so hopefully she will help us talk calmly and help us understand one another.

We can’t let this thing come between us – and thankfully neither of us want to let that happen.