Writing from the Day Centre is becoming a habit, I can take my time, stay awake and know I’ll be undisturbed so it’s a perfect opportunity – but a whole week to catch up on!

I went to Brighton at the weekend to support Rhea & Laura in their Race for Life, as in Bournemouth it was a wonderful experience (even better when you can sit in the sun & watch!).

We then had a night out, a lovely meal and then we went to a bar – Hope, it used to be Pig in Paradise and then Polar Bar back in the day, new name, same place! Perfect venue for lots of reminiscing, I had such a lovely time, I felt a huge sense of achievement going on the train on my own and then a lovely night out with the girls – just perfect.

Leah had an excellent school report, I am so proud of her, I know I am biased but she is such an amazing little girl.

The past 18 months have been tough for all of us and yet she’s taken it all in her stride and is doing so well.

Megan’s behaviour is improving so much too, we are learning to ignore the tantrums and they are becoming far less frequent.

She has such a sense of humour, she has us all laughing so often – I am so lucky.