SOMETIMES the number of flights fluctuate. One year everything’s going swimmingly. Then suddenly something happens and the numbers fall or rise.

But enough of puffins, what about Bournemouth Airport? What are Ryanair’s plans? What will its announcement next week say?

Ryanair will still be flying jets in and out of Bournemouth Airport but will the number be scaled down? Last week Ryanair said it would be cutting its winter capacity by 16 per cent at most of its UK airports.

Companies, obviously, make decisions in their own interests but they can bite others hard.

The consequences of what Ryanair decides for Bournemouth will impact not only on its own staff but also on an airport that has just invested £45 million on improvements. Just how keenly will any changes be felt?

Taxi firms, hotels and tourist venues will all be watching and waiting, as well as people less directly affected. Such as those who may have bought second homes in foreign places on the back of cheap flights to those locations. They will be desperately hoping their routes continue.

And thousands of holidaymakers will be awaiting Ryanair’s announcement next week in order to book the flights they’d planned for their winter breaks.

Budget airlines have opened up the world to millions at a price they can afford. Controversial they may be, but Ryanair’s prices make them loved by many... albeit with reservations.

And, right now, reservations on Ryanair flights out of Bournemouth after October still cannot be booked. Next week we’ll find out why.