FOUR letters why The Darkness were always doomed to failure: m.u.s.e. Now, I'm no fan of Queen's histrionics, but even I can see their appeal. Muse take the lunacy of mid-'70s pomp rock and strafe it with the modern world.

Matt Bellamy has a voice that stirs Robert Plant, Thom Yorke and Curtis Mayfield into the sonic soup and lyrical concerns that would make Philip K Dick scratch his head.

You get trance beats, disco flares, Morricone sweeps, rock poetry and flights of sci-fi fancy sometimes on the same track. Tiny melodies compete with skyscraper chord progressions on equal terms as Bellamy decants his anger at the way of the world through cyborg voicetracks, but whether the band is being serious or silly is often open to debate. Actually, who cares?