A PUB has caused a furore in North Dorset by applying for a 24-hour licence.

Residents living near the Kings Arms Hotel in Blandford say the pub is already the source of noise disturbance, antisocial behaviour and distress to the elderly.

Dozens have written to North Dorset District Council to oppose the licensing application.

One local wrote: "We live just a few yards from the Kings and during the course of a Friday or Saturday night, we have to listen to loud music and couples/friends arguing underneath our window.

"We witness fights, have vomit outside our front door, as well as the occasional person who decides to go to sleep on the pavement.

"Granting of a 24-hour licence would only exacerbate issues that are already there," the letter said.

Others allege that some of the pub's clientele are responsible for litter and refer to incidents of urinating in the street.

The Kings Arms is currently licensed until 2am. They also want permission to play amplified background music throughout the night.

Licensee Andrew Davies said the claims made by residents are "totally unfounded."

He added: "There are lots of pubs in Blandford there is no evidence the noise emanates from this one.

"In the 26 months we have been here there haven't been any noise complaints about us to the council.

"If we're licensed 24 hours our beer garden will close at 11pm and we'll keep the noise level down on the speakers.

"The town needs another 24-hour licensed pub. All the trade goes to the The Railway at 1am from a business point of view we would like to keep some here."

The application will be considered by the Licensing Sub Committee on Thursday July 13.