CELEBRITIES always seem to be following the latest diet craze in a desperate attempt to keep their figures.

Naomi Campbell recently revealed that she diets on a cocktail of Maple syrup, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and water to keep herself in shape.

She confessed on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show that maintaining her slim frame isn’t easy.

She revealed she regularly turns to the extreme Maple Syrup Diet, which involves consuming under 600 calories a day.

“I try to do this three times a year,” she said. “The most I’ve ever done it for is 18 days. It’s good just to clean out your body once in a while.”

The Maple Syrup Diet is considered one of the most extreme and potentially dangerous weight-loss regimes.

Fans of the diet say the combination of maple syrup and cayenne pepper speeds up the metabolism.

Beyonce Knowles and Gwyneth Paltrow are both known to have used the method to quickly shed extra weight.

Developed over the last 30 years by naturopathic doctors, the detox claims to help the body break down and eliminate excess fats, wastes and accumulated toxins while “providing nourishment and replenishing mineral deficiencies”.

People who have completed the diet have reported a wide variety of benefits, including weight loss (typically between seven and 12 pounds), increased energy and vitality, improved concentration and clarity of thought.

Critics of the diet say the syrupy water is devoid of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals needed to help keep mind and body healthy.

Daily Echo writer Maria Court tried the diet for six days with surprising results...

Day One: After weighing in, I made my first cup of the detox drink. You can adjust the amounts to suit your own taste, and use ground ginger if you prefer.

The result looked like the rusty fluid that you would bleed from a radiator, but it tasted surprisingly OK. Throughout the day I wasn’t so much hungry as craving the sensation of food in my mouth.

I did well until about 6.30pm when driving home I smelled fish and chips which made me absolutely ravenous. I developed a splitting headache, I was crabby and irritable and couldn’t concentrate. I had to send my other half packing off to the pub for his sanity.

Almost gave up on it. In a fit of delirium I opened a bag of crisps, but had the mindset to pour a few into a bowl rather than scoff the lot. Felt instantly better, if a little guilty.

Day two: Woke up refreshed and feeling fine, ready to face the day. A big cup of liquid set me up for a day of shopping (which helped take my mind off the fast), but when I got home a pang of hunger had me reaching for the crisps again, just for a sniff. I knew I wasn’t going to eat them, but I craved the smell of something other than lemons and syrup. A couple of drinks later and I was fine... until we sat down and watched TV and I missed some comfort food. I didn’t realise how many food adverts on TV there were. No headaches at all today, though, and energy levels were fine. Noticed I only felt “hunger" when I was bored.

Day three: Started the day feeling great. Buzzing, in fact.

Thought I’d have a sneaky step onto the scales out of curiosity. I couldn’t believe my eyes when they told me I’d lost 6lb! I didn’t really feel any skinnier, but the evidence was there. Had another day shopping and didn’t flag at all. When my boyfriend started cooking hot dogs, the smell really made me crave a bite. Even after he’d hidden himself away to eat them in the spare room, I thought about those bad boys for about an hour. Looked rosy-cheeked this evening, as if I’d been out in the sun.

Day four: Woke up refreshed and it was easier to get out of bed than usual. Wasn’t tired or grumpy.

Work colleagues told me I had a healthy glow. I was also able to get into a top which a year ago had shrunk in the tumble drier and hadn’t fitted me. Work was a doddle. I could concentrate fully. In fact I think I was more alert, calm and switched on than before. I felt as if I could tackle anything. I had no worries and no Monday morning feeling.

Towards the end of the afternoon I did get a slight aching in my stomach, but I think it was from the muscles pulling in, rather than hunger Day five: This is the best I’ve felt for days. I woke up bright, refreshed and happy and with a real feeling of peace. My halcyon moment was shattered, however, when my boyfriend pointed out my “tangy" armpits. I guess it was the toxins coming out of me. More comments abound from colleagues about my clear, glowing skin and bright eyes. Didn’t feel hungry at all today, and I was charged with energy. I couldn’t believe how I had not eaten for five days and I felt absolutely fantastic and totally switched on.

Day six: I did it! And the final weigh in revealed I lost a total of 9lb. Foodwise, I was to take it easy for a couple of days, sticking to moderate amounts of squeezed juice and pureed vegetables before I could start eating properly again.

Would I do it again? Definitely. The results have been worth it, and have really made me reassess my relationship with food.