A PURBECK business has stepped in to rescue a popular Wareham farm shop.

The two shops run by Goldy’s, at Lytchett Matravers and Wareham, were closed recently, leaving the future of the business hanging in the balance.

But Holme for Gardens, at West Holme Farm, has now taken over the running of the Wareham outlet – renaming it Holme Farm Shop.

However, the Lytchett branch of Goldy’s remains closed and it remains unclear if anyone will come in to take over that outlet.

The Goldy’s shop at Wareham was rented out by the owners of Holme for Gardens, Simon and Liz Goldsack.

Jenny Goldsack, owner of Goldy’s, was previously married to Simon’s brother.

Simon and Liz planned to take over the running of the shop on their site next year anyway, but have just accelerated their plans in light of Goldy’s problems.

“From the customer’s point of view, there has been uninterrupted trading,” said Mr Goldsack. “Offering a farm shop is a natural progression for our business.”

The one full-time member of staff at the shop has been retained by the new owners, while one employee from the Lytchett branch has also been taken on at the Wareham outlet.

West Holme is predominantly a fruit farm, with a pick-your-own operation over the summer.

Much of their produce will go on sale in the shop, reducing food miles to virtually nil, said Mr Goldsack.

“There is a growing market of customers who wish to know exactly where their food has come from,” he added.

The closure of the Goldy’s shops over the weekend came as a shock to both staff and customers. It had thrived since opening in 2007, winning several awards and earning a visit from the Queen this summer. But a fire ripped through the roof at the Lytchett site in May, causing huge amounts of damage.