IT was a case of lights, camera, action in Poole on Saturday as budding filmmakers trained their lens on a TV star.

Former EastEnders star, Shaun Williamson, who played Barry in the hit soap, took time out of his busy schedule to hand on hints to youngsters with the Filmsteps film school in Parkstone.

The actor, who earned praise for his recent role in the Ricky Gervais comedy Extras, was in town for his starring role in a stage adaptation of the sitcom classic, Porridge, at the Lighthouse.

Head teacher Annie East said Shaun’s visit had created a great deal of excitement among the pupils who quizzed him for a “Who’s in the Chair?” celebrity special event.

“The children were so excited to have a celebrity in their midst,” said Annie, who has worked on dramas including Casualty and Holby City.

The youngsters tried out their interview and presentation skills on the singer and actor, who won last year’s Celebrity Mastermind.