Highcliffe chorister Tom Hillman is not one to let an opportunity slip.

The 18-year-old singer secured an encore performance for the Highcliffe Junior Choir with the King’s Singers at their concert at Poole Lighthouse.

Tom’s choir had been booked for an interval performance but called the King’s Singers’ manager to offer their musical services to the principal act.

“I had been doing odd jobs for the choir, including publicity, so I wasn’t too worried about ringing a perfect stranger.

“It’s been a fantastic opportunity. In the choral, classical world, the King’s Singers are considered the best. They sing perfectly, with flawless technique,” said Tom.

The choir’s 16 singers joined the King’s Singers for a show-closing performance of the traditional song The Gift To Be Simple. The teenagers were the second act to share a stage with the acclaimed choir in two nights. The King’s Singers had performed in London the night before with pop star Mika.