BOURNEMOUTH’S biggest private landlord has won permission to build 20 new homes and three flats in the Boscombe East area of the town, despite a wave of protest from neighbouring residents.

Members of the council’s planning board agreed to give Dave Wells outline approval for the £1 million development in Southwick Road and Warnford Road after he went back to the drawing board.

Fifty-one local residents sent objections to the Town Hall and more than 30 turned up at Monday night’s meeting to hear deputations on behalf of Mr Wells and objectors.

Local ward councillor Nick King supported local residents and urged the board to turn down the revised scheme on the grounds of over-development and invasion of privacy of neighbouring properties.

But Cllr David Smith said: “I struggle with the application to see what is wrong with it.

“I don’t believe we would have a leg to stand on if it went to appeal.”

He moved the officer’s recommendation to grant approval which was seconded by vice chairman Cllr Ron Whittaker who said: “I can’t understand residents’ arguments.

“This site is an absolute disgrace. It’s a mud bath.

“I wouldn’t like to look out on a scrapyard.”

The scheme also won support from Cllr Linda Bailey, who said: “It’s a very good application; I wish it was in my ward.”

Planning board chairman John Beesley backed the move stressing that changes had been made to the initial scheme in a bid to resolve councillors’ concerns.

He added: “I am pleased to see that we are looking at houses and only three flats.”

The move was carried by a unanimous 9-0 vote.

After the meeting, Mr Wells said: “We’ve worked with the council to come up with something they felt would be more in keeping with the area. The development will meet a desperate need for family homes in town.”