WHILST it may be unusual to begin a review by writing about the floral arrangements in the foyer, it is equally unusual to see anything quite so eye-catching, so my first plaudits must go to the students of the Floristry Studio at Bournemouth and Poole College for their excellent contribution to this production.

It set a high standard that was most certainly matched on stage, thanks to co-directors Bev Beck and Greig Blanden, who brought out all the humour and pathos of this play about a gay couple with relationship problems.

It was clear almost from the beginning that the audience was listening hard and getting drawn in to the scenario - a definite sign that the on-stage action rang true, I think.

Peter Watson and David Brown were particularly effective as the couple, Bob and Jeff, although because of Peter's real age Estelle Hughes, despite creating a marvellous character, did not seem old enough to be his mother, Vera.

Joanne Guess (Nona) and Kelly Pope (Lois) were superb as Bob's sisters, and there was great support too from Gary Paine (Arthur) and Rob Cording (Bill), their respective husbands.

Finally, further plaudits must go to those responsible for the extremely good and realistic set.