PLANS to transform part of a Bournemouth shopping centre into an American-style restaurant have been put on hold after civic leaders voiced fears that the “eatery” could ultimately become another bar.

Chicago Rib is hoping to open five restaurants in southern England in the next four years, including ground-floor premises at the St Peter’s Quarter in St Peter’s Road, to host entertainment including flamenco dancers, rodeo shows, jazz bands and sing-a-longs.

Planning officers had recommended that permission be granted for the scheme after Dorset Police raised no objections.

But members of the borough’s planning board decided to defer the application after ward councillors expressed concern for the future use of the American diner.

Cllr Bob Chapman said: “I can’t really believe that officers are entertaining this application at all; this property has been empty for at least two years but it is still a substantial retail space.

“Have we not learned a lesson from other cafe bars and restaurants with live entertainment?

“They are seductive terms but they all start out low key; within six months we see a pub with vertical drinking followed shortly by a nightclub.

“We have already got sufficient bars and nightclubs in this area.

“There has been inadequate consultation; residents in that area have had enough.

“Why should they put up with even more disturbance in the early hours?”

Town centre councillor David Smith said: “I’m so frustrated and disappointed with the system we have for dealing with licensing and planning applications.

“The last four of these so-called restaurant cafe bars all turned out to be exactly what we don’t want and here we go again.

“I’m not going to support this.

“I want to make a stand about what I think is wrong for this town."

Vice-chairman Cllr Ron Whittaker said: “I share the anger of ward councillors.

“We all know what is going to happen.

“On policy grounds we don’t stand a cat’s chance in hell at appeal.

“The damage has already been done in granting previous applications.”

A move by chairman Cllr John Beesley to defer a decision, pending further discussions with the applicant, was carried by a unanimous 8-0 vote.