YOU don’t need to pick up the Echo on a Thursday or Saturday to find the best jobs.

After several stories about consultants working within local councils, we’ve now got an absolute cracker for the princely sum of around £250,000.

And do you know what the best thing is about the job? You can walk away with your wallet bulging and let the councils take the flak for your decision.

We all know our local authorities have a no-win situation in the search for the right site to provide a site for travellers in their area.

The government says it has to be done or they’ll do it themselves (and given the government’s decision-making prowess, that could be in Bournemouth’s Lower Gardens).

The councils don’t really want to have to do it, the residents in the areas suggested don’t want an encampment near them and it all becomes one big vicious circle for council chiefs who have far bigger problems to deal with in their organisations.

The consultants will be paid handsomely to come up with a suitable site, which will have to be adopted by each authority.

It won’t be pretty and we anticipate some big headlines in the Echo come 2012, but it will have to be done.

Unless, of course, the Conservatives take power by 2010 and Mr Cameron ensures that the Regional Spatial Strategy goes the way of the £250,000 the consultants will earn.