Monday July 20, 2009

Today Mum was telling me about an article she’d read at the weekend by a man who lost his wife to cancer.

Apparently he was saying stuff like he understood what she was going through but wished he’d tried to understand what he was going through and wished she’d thanked him for all the things he did for her whilst she was ill.

He also said he doubted whether their relationship would have survived the cancer – she if she had recovered they would have ended up divorced!

At first I thought ‘what an arse’, but then I thought about it and thought he was really quite brave to be so honest about his feelings.

Living through this is such hard work and probably brings out the worst in people. I know I take the pain and frustration out on those I know will still love me….. at least I think I know!

Kev has reassured me that he doesn’t feel like that and I do try to remember to say thank you when he does extra stuff, like leaving me in bed whilst he got the girls up and ready this morning.

I actually think in some ways this has brought us closer together as we try to support each other through it.

Kev crashed the car today, nothing serious but as the car is such a heap it’ll probably be a write-off. So we’re now looking into and will probably go for a mobility car.

Basically a chunk of my DLA pays for the lease of a new car, insurance and tax. The amount it costs depends on the type of car but it certainly looks like a good deal. Feeling quite excited about it now.