Saturday July 18, 2009: Well Megan was bouncing around at 5.30am.

I guess an early night and a dose of Calpol sorted her out and it wasn’t swine flu.

Glad I didn’t phone NHS Direct because they would have told me to take her wherever you need to go and it would all have been a big drama for nothing.

A Mother’s instinct can definitely go a long way – I knew I was a bit concerned but not enough to panic.

I checked on her a few times in the night and her temperature had gone down so I relaxed then.

Her being up at 5.30am wasn’t so great though. Kev got up at 6am to go fishing so he put the TV on for her and she sat watching on her own until Leah got up at 6.45am. Still too early for me and I managed to drag getting out of bed until 7.30am. Bad Mummy!

That’s the sort of thing I used to really disapprove of before I had kids and now realise you do what you have to to stay sane and if that means they watch TV on their own for a bit then so be it.

If I’d got up I would only have dozed on the sofa, because I was tired.