HAVE put in two good days on the bike from Calgary. The scenery has totally changed - not a mountain in sight now; it's completely flat.

There's only farmland and oil drills and a shimmering Highway that is as straight as an arrow for as far as the eye can see. The sky is just amazing though, vast and deep blue. Yesterday I did 11 hours riding from Calgary to a little town called 'Brooks', 116 miles in all.

Today I suppose I paid for this exertion and struggled in the heat a bit. I made it 70 miles to the town of 'Medicine Hat' in six hours and decided to rest-up.

Thank goodness for ipods and jelly babies, am convinced I'd have given up without them! There's still 300 miles to Regina where, happily, my Dad 'Roger' is coming out from the UK to help out.

Hoping to get hold of a car and am looking forward to putting the bike trailer in it, it weighs a ton!