HELL hath no fury like a mentally unstable office temp scorned. More than 20 years after Glenn Close boiled Michael Douglas’s bunny, another sexually aggressive, blonde vixen sinks her polished nails into a happily married man.

Only here, with it being the morally upright 21st century, the husband rejects the amorous advances but suffers nonetheless.

British television director Steven Shill makes his feature-film debut with a script by David Loughery that plunders merrily from Fatal Attraction and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.

Were it not for the casting of pop superstar Beyonce Knowles (also credited as an executive producer) as the wife who decides to fight for her man, literally, rather than lose him, this schlock probably would have headed straight to DVD.

An opening montage of Derek Charles (Idris Elba), beautiful wife Sharon (Knowles) and young son Kyle moving into their new home handily signposts the entire finale with lingering shots of locations and dangerously-placed furniture.

Derek is a recently promoted executive vice-president poised to land a huge account.

Everyone loves him including his boss Joe Gage (Bruce McGill), skirt-chasing colleague Ben (Jerry O’Connell) and stereotypically gay personal assistant Patrick (Matthew Humphreys).

Trouble comes a-slinking into the building in the form of secretary Lisa (Heroes star Ali Larter), who wears a killer pair of black and red heels, just like a certain carnivorous spider.

Obsessed is a generic thriller, enlivened by a hysterical final act, which sees Knowles’ full-time mother metamorphose into a snarling lioness.