INSTANT inflation turned an oriental meal into a more sour than sweet experience for some Poole diners.

A family who went to the Flame Oriental Buffet at Tower Park for a half-term treat claimed the price was puffed up while they ate lunch.

They alleged staff changed prices to Saturday rates during Friday lunch, but the restaurant said they counted Friday as part of the weekend and changed the menu on Thursdays.

Instead of paying the £6.95 for an adult’s buffet lunch as advertised outside, when they went to pay the bill, customers were faced with a £9.95 tariff, while the children’s £3.95 rose by £1, said Julie Johnson.

“We noticed people going to pay their bill and being taken outside and shown the menu sign and we wondered why,” said Julie, 48, from Queens Park, Bournemouth, who was with a party of eight family members, including three children aged seven to 10.

“We asked if they had changed the menu and they said no. We carried on and ate our lunch and then got a bill for £70, when we were expecting one for around £50.”

She said they were shown the menu board which had paper stuck over it to show the weekend rates.

“It spoiled the meal for us and we won’t be going back,” said Julie, who has contacted trading standards.

Catherine Yan, restaurant manager, said: “We normally have two sessions but last Friday we had three sessions. We changed our menu so we changed our price.

“The open sushi is only available at the weekend. That’s what they had. We offer another 12 dishes for that day. If the customer has a problem we always explain to them when we are changing their meal.”

Jane Burrows of Borough of Poole trading standards said: “It does sound certainly outside the spirit of the laws on unfairness.”