OPERATING theatre tours were top of the pops when Poole Hospital opened its doors to the public.

More than 200 people flooded through the doors to explore the town’s hospital when it held its first Foundation Trust open day.

The surgery department took visitors through the different stages of an operation, from the point a patient goes under anaesthetic to the moment they come round.

And the non-squeamish were even able to watch video footage of a real operation.

Health checks in outpatients, which included blood pressure, BMI measurement and visual field testing, were also popular.

Visitors enjoyed peering down microscopes in the pathology department and youngsters headed for the face-painting on the children’s unit.

Paralympic cyclist Darren Kenny, who won four gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, officially opened the event and visitors were also able to find out about breast screening, x-rays, physiotherapy and radiotherapy.

“We are very pleased with how the day went and feedback from visitors both on the day and since has been really positive, so we hope to hold another similar event again in the next year,” said Karen Hollocks, media and communications manager.