A BOURNEMOUTH man has been banned from visiting parts of the town centre after he assaulted a woman.

Ryan Stych, 23, appeared at Poole Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, May 15, to be sentenced for his offending last year.

The defendant admitted assaulting a woman occasioning her actual bodily harm in Aderlaide Lane in Bournemouth on May 11, 2023.

He also admitted a charge of criminal damage to property, having damaged a cupboard belonging to the victim on the same date.

Stych, of Parkwood Road in Bournemouth, was handed a community order lasting until November 14 next year, with a requirement to complete 60 hours of unpaid work.

A restraining order was made not to contact the victim directly or indirectly, lasting until May 14 next year.

It also ordered Stych not to enter a number of addresses in Bournemouth, including Albert Road, Adelaide Lane, the AECC University College Campus, Meyrick Road (between Gervis Road and Grove Road), Avenue Road, The Triangle, and Commercial Road.

The defendant must pay a victim surcharge of £114 and costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.