A WORLD RECORD holder is set to paddle board the English Channel in tandem in aid of mental health awareness.

David Haze, an eight-time world record holder for stand-up paddle boarding, is preparing to take to the water once again to raise money for local causes.

He set himself a goal to complete one challenge each month in 2024, and the stakes have been set for May.

David and the ‘paddling paramedic’, Joe Cartwright, will be taking on the English Channel after smashing the world record for paddling the River Thames.

He said: “Joe has paddle boarded the channel solo, but I knew what the post adventure blues do to you, so I said why don’t we do the English Channel together.

“We did the River Thames and set the world record. We broke it by 13 hours.”

The challenge, taking place on May 15, will be in aid of The OLLIE Foundation, a suicide prevention and well-being charity.

David, who lives in Bournemouth, is a huge advocate for mental health and said both he and Joe have had their own battles.

“I’ve struggled with suicide, Joe has struggled with suicide, and we couldn’t think of a better charity to support.”

He added: “I think men struggle to open up about their mental health.

“I used to struggle and I think the best form of therapy for me was just to ask for help and be honest and open to people.

“And I want other men to understand that by asking for help, you’re not weak, and you can grow so much as an individual if you can just reach out.”

David, who turned his life around after serving prison time, said paddle boarding has been his therapy and his growth to change.

“Paddle boarding has changed my life and what I've learned about myself through paddle boarding has been better than any rehabilitation program.”

His next goal is to start an adventure charity, called Freedom Through Adventure, to help young people through activities.

He said: “It’s about purposeful and meaningful activities.

“When I was in prison doing these courses, they were just ticking boxes.

“They weren't too fussed about trying to help us.”

Now David is advocating for change and awareness surrounding mental health through his fundraising efforts.

David’s adventures can be followed on his social media named the Nomadic Paddler.