POOLE Park has been gifted two defibrillators following a grant from the Department of Health and Social Care.

The Poole Park Bowling Club has successfully petitioned for two defibrillators that could potentially save the lives of visitors.

The new additions to the park are located on the outside walls of the kiosk, opposite The Sailing Centre and The Kitchen, and on an outside wall of the Ark.

A BCP Council spokesperson said: "We know that quick CPR and defibrillation are vital to give someone the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest, and we are extremely pleased that there are now two defibrillators located in Poole Park itself.

"The funding for this was gained by Poole Park Bowling Club who applied for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds.

"One of the defibrillators is sited on the outside of The Ark and the other on the maker's kiosk, near to the tennis courts.

"Anyone can safely use a community defibrillator and we urge residents to familiarise themselves with their locations, so they are equipped in case of an emergency."

Nick Davis, owner of The Ark, said: “The Ark at Poole Park is delighted to have the defibrillator.

“It is right by the children’s play park and is vital for the park users, we are delighted that in case of emergency, it is on-site.

“All staff are now undergoing training in how to use it just in case of emergency.”

Nigel Price, club secretary of Poole Bowling Club said: “This has been in the making now for 18 months, as back then I found it hard to accept that somewhere like Poole Park did not have this facility to potentially save lives.

“I think these defibrillators will be a welcome addition to Poole Park and let’s hope they never have to be used.”