An emergency service team set up a new cordon around a resting seal at a beach in Dorset.

Members of the Kimmeridge Coastguard team were called to Durdle Door beach on Saturday, April 6.

The coastguard team were called out at 6.18pm and found the seal resting on the beach needing a cordon for safety.

According to the team, the seal was resting close to the steps, with people looking on closely.

After the beach got less busy at around 8pm, the seal went back to ‘have fun in the sea’ and the team went back to the station.

A spokesperson for the Kimmeridge Coastguard Team said: “We set up a cordon around the seal giving it plenty of space, this helped with keeping the seal's stress levels down. The team then stayed on scene making sure people were keeping a safe distance and weren’t pestering the animal.

“Once the beach had quietened down around 8pm as the team was about to leave the seal decided it would go have some fun in the sea. With there now no need for us to be there we were stood down and headed back to station.”

Officers from Wareham Police put up a cordon for the seal when it was first spotted sometime on Wednesday afternoon. 

The team added that they snapped a picture of the common seal from a safe distance, using zoom on a camera.