VERY interested to read the article on Westbourne.

I love it there and agree with all the positive comments. I used to play my guitar and sing there every month at Angeliques Patisserie/restaurant right up until Covid – such a great atmosphere.

I am just sad that Angeliques I understand it is not open all the time as it used to be before lockdown so they no longer want a musician.

Everyone was so friendly and knew everyone else.

Also Strike’s in the Arcade is the most wonderful music shop. Run by a family for years (I bought my first guitar there when I was 15) and I trust them implicitly with their advice and their repairs and all the other instruments they sell. I wouldn’t go anywhere else and our family has many wonderful instruments from their shop.

Although spending a lot of my life in other parts of the world as a Navy wife, I was born in Bournemouth and am so depressed at the way the centre has deteriorated.

It has many iconic buildings which are just being knocked down for new unsightly flats etc. I have said many times that we ought to have an area of artisan and independent shops like Westbourne and the Lanes in Brighton.

BCP Council is missing out on some wonderful opportunities and the planning department seem bent on destroying what once was a beautiful town with character. I never go into the centre now unless I have no choice, whereas I used to love to go and visit and meet friends for coffee and browse. It had so much to offer – wake up BCP Council and do something before it is too late.

Take a look at Westbourne’s example.

Mary Hurst

Uplands Road,
