THE Tank Museum has implemented a dedicated programme to make the museum accessible for visitors.

Innovations include quiet mornings where all the sounds and interactives are turned off to support those with sensory needs.

Free British Sign Language tours are available for those with a hearing impairment and sensory backpacks for children with special education requirements and disabilities can be borrowed, free of charge.

These backpacks include ear defenders, a squeezy toy and a magnifying glass.

Bournemouth Echo: British Sign Language tour at the Tank Museum.

A new wellbeing room has been created and the museum is fully wheelchair and mobility scooter accessible.

Visitor experience general manager, Rosanna Dean, said: “The museum recognises the importance of supporting the needs all visitors and is committed to accessibility.

“We look forward to visitors enjoying the experience and the wider accessible facilities we have on offer.

“We want to make sure we are pioneering changes at The Tank Museum. By making accessibility a priority, the museum can continue to be a welcoming space for anyone interested in the history of tanks.”

The museum will hold a wellbeing event in conjunction with World Mental Health Day, which will be available online and on a livestream.

The museum is recruiting an accessibility advisor to maintain its momentum for improvements.

It has also enlisted the help of the disabled community, inviting groups to review the visitor experience and feedback on what should be changed.