THE Bournemouth Muslim community gathered in Meyrick Park to celebrate Eid al-Adha this morning.

The holiday, which is the second Eid of the year, was marked by a time of prayer and family activities as the community came together for the occasion.

There was ice cream, henna and Jalebi, a sweet snack from Asia and Africa as families celebrated the holiday.

The event was organised by Winton-based charity Dorset Humanity Help Foundation UK and the Bournemouth Central Mosque.

Bournemouth Echo: Eid Mubarak from Bournemouth Islamic Centre and Central Mosque.

Imam at the mosque, Majid Yasin, explained the holiday honours Abraham and his willingness to sacrifice one of his sons for God, before sacrificing a lamb instead.

The holiday also marks the end of the annual Hajj to Mecca.

“In Islam there are two Eid, after the two pillars of Islam,” Imam Yasin explained.

“The first one is Eid al-Fitr, after Ramadan, the second one is Eid al Adha after Hajj. This Eid is very important; we call it the big Eid.”

Bournemouth Echo: Bouncy castles and an ice cream van were part of the celebrations in Meyrick Park.

More than 2,000 people came to the park for the celebrations.

“Working with the Bournemouth Central Mosque, we’ve organised a really successful day,” said Tojamul Ali, from the charity.

“This is our sixth event in a row, every year it seems to be growing bigger and bigger.

“We’re very thankful to everyone who has come out today, for joining us.”

Chair of the charity, Lookman Hussain, said the group did not expect so many people to come out.

“We are very happy and proud of everyone who has come to help us, all the volunteers,” he said.

Bournemouth Echo: Children enjoying ice cream at Bournemouth's Eid al-Adha celebrations.

Taya Rahman agreed, adding: “We were pleased to see the good atmosphere here, there’s thousands of people here, this is bringing the community together.

“It’s encouraging us to do it again and again.”

Volunteer Mohammed Islam said people had come from beyond Bournemouth for the event, as it is rare for prayers to be held outside, outside of London.

Sultana Rahman said she and the other volunteers would be back next year.

“This Eid event has been amazing. It’s great to see the community get together for such events,” she said.

“It’s a time of the year that everybody, absolutely everyone gets together for the purpose of Eid, and it’s just amazing.

“The rest of the day is friends, family and food, lots of food.”

Bournemouth Echo: Members of the Bournemouth Central Mosque and charity Dorset Humanity Help Foundation UK.

Families were enjoying their day on the bouncy castles and with the activities on offer.

Azmol Ali came with his two sons and two daughters.

“They’re just loving it,” he said.

“When we do it in the park, it’s more of a family time, that’s what it’s all about.”

Danya Ghazal agreed, saying: “It’s an amazing day, a brilliant turnout. What they’ve done for the community is a really nice thing to do, the kids are loving it.”