WARD councillors stand accused of throwing in the towel in the fight to save Townsend School.

In an email sent to all the Conservative Bournemouth Borough councillors, Michael Weinhonig wrote the ward councillors were happy to discuss "the plans the community have for the school after closure" - implying the school would inevitably close.

On behalf of himself, and the two other Strouden Park councillors David Shaw and John Trickett, he apologised for "any misunderstanding on our position on Townsend School and our commitment to the Conservative Group and council priorities".

Cllr Weinhonig wrote: "The community are in agreement that prolonging closure will make no positive contribution to the problem we face."

However other councillors involved in the campaign to save the school believe this is not the view of the community.

Leader of the council Stephen Macloughlin said the email indicated the ward councillors wanted to support the community when the school closes.

He said: "Michael has recognised the council has gone through a lengthy process of consultation based on evidence and now the ward councillors need to think about the long term interests of the community. "In all likelihood the school will close although if new evidence arises we will consider it. You can either fight to the bitter end or accept this is the likely outcome.

"There are some people who would rather die in a ditch than see the school close but most people who understand the process see closure is the in the best interests of the children."

Liberal Democrat councillor Claire Smith said: "I am shocked and extremely dismayed that these councillors have given up with the fight to save the school.

"The community are still fighting and has not given up. They still want the Ofsted report to be taken into consideration but it would seem the ward councillors have given up."

Independent councillor Anne Rey said: "It is an absolute disgrace. There are other options on the table and we still have a chance to turn this around.

"If they are turning their backs on Townsend the residents have a right to know about it."

However, ward councillor David Shaw said the three ward councillors were still fighting to prevent the closure of the school.

He said: "We are waiting for the Ofsted and if this brings the school out of special measures then they won't have a leg to stand on. People can misconstrue things but we are going to fight this decision all the way along the line. I have already said the school will close over my dead body."