Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Highcliffe Charity Players, The Regent Centre, Christchurch

This was a welcome change from the normal run of the more-often-performed pantomimes. Set in the world of the circus, it gave the opportunity for new situations and characters not usually encountered.

At the same time it contains most, of the traditional aspects one expects from a pantomime.

The cast made the most of a slightly weak plot and produced some fine scenes.

The many scene changes were handled slickly and efficiently by the backstage crew and the costumes were numerous and absolutely gorgeous.

This was a bright and breezy production, with the opening number Let me Entertain You setting the standard of what was to come. Ricki the Ringmaster, played by Pete Whitaker, had a lovely voice as did Tommy played by Azza.

I thought that Gloria, played by Kim Doyle had a figure to die for. Carli Barrington as Goldilocks was delightful.

Most of all I loved the three bears - Neil Mathieson, Jo Mansfield and Dale Waterworth - and commend the company on an innovative way to portray them.

The children loved every moment of it even to the point of one telling the Dame, played by Stuart Tizzard, that he didn't want to hear a joke - serve him right for asking!