ROYAL Bournemouth Hospital bosses have decided to build a brand new cancer and blood disorders unit instead of trying to do up the existing one.

As a result, the Daily Echo-backed Jigsaw Cancer and Blood Disorders Appeal, set up to raise £1 million by the end of December 2007, has been extended by 15 months, with the aim of raising a further £1 million.

The money will go towards improving the environment for patients undergoing treatment, including chemotherapy.

Fundraising manager Diana Newbury said: "The response we have had to this appeal has been great. Through kind donations made by patients, members of the public and those who have attended our many events, we have less than £100,000 to go before we hit our original target of £1 million. We are delighted that the trust has decided to extend the length of the appeal."

The original plan was to extend and refurbish the existing unit, which is based in wards 10 and 11 of the hospital.

But facilities have become increasingly stretched, with more treatments being available, and the high proportion of older people - who are more prone to certain cancers and blood disorders - in the area.

Now the trust has opted for a purpose-built two-storey unit, to be placed at the rear of the eye unit.

It will be part of a development that could include a new stroke centre and 350 extra parking spaces.