PLANNING officials will decide whether to grant permission to allow the renovation of a former pub, creating two commercial units and three flats.

Developers Elliott Heron Limited want to renovate the Swan Inn in Old Orchard, Poole, for commercial use on the ground floor, create a new second floor and have three self-contained flats on the upper floors.

The site currently sits vacant and developers claim the renovation would preserve the heritage of the locally listed building.

The application said: “The proposal will result in a mixed use development. On the ground floor, there shall be two commercial units as well as a cycle and bin store with a separate entrance onto Old Orchard.

“Retaining commercial use on the ground floor will contribute to the function of the area and reflect the historic use of the site as a business.

“This would preserve the character of the building and Poole Quay.

“Currently the building is vacant and likely to deteriorate if a viable use cannot be secured.

“Reusing the building to the uses proposed will give the building a purpose and generate income that will be used to maintain its upkeep.

“The proposal will create two commercial units and three, two-bedroom flats with associated cycle and bin storage.

“The application site is located in a highly sustainable location which intensification of flatted development is encouraged and supported accordance to policy PP02 of the local plan.”

In 2012, an application was approved to change the use of the site from, retail to a museum.

This was implemented and then, in 2017, an application was approved to change the site to become a restaurant.

Developers added: “The use of flatted development on the top two floors supports the heritage of the locally listed building.

“In our professional opinion the proposed development clearly constitutes the delivery of a sustainable pattern of development in accordance with policy PP2.”

Consultation expiry date for the application is Tuesday, May 25 and so far no objections have been received.