BOUNCY castles will remain on Bournemouth beach despite the death of a child in Norfolk last weekend.

The three-year-old girl was thrown from an inflatable trampoline at Gorleston beach, Norfolk on Sunday, and died later in hospital of her injuries.

The tragedy prompted calls from her local MP, Robert Halfon, for a temporary ban on bouncy castles and inflatables.

In 2016 a seven-year-old girl died after a bouncy castle broke free in high winds from its moorings in Harlow.

Chris Saunders, Seafront and Business Development Manager at Bournemouth council, said: “Seafront Operations within Bournemouth council gives permissions for attractions on the beaches, to include bouncy castles.

"As with any council contract, we continually review the terms and safety procedures. We will await the findings of the Norfolk investigation and respond to any subsequent recommended actions accordingly."